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Setup a RSS Feed with NextJS
Praveen JugeI recently moved my RSS feed from using a custom package to a custom route file. Here's a simple guide to help you set up your own RSS feed.
Step 1: Create a Route File
First, create a new file at blog/rss.xml/route.js
and add the following code:
import { load } from "outstatic/server";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import markdownToHtml from "../utils";
export const dynamic = "force-static";
const SITE_URL = "https://praveenjuge.com";
const AUTHOR_NAME = "Praveen Juge";
const AUTHOR_EMAIL = "hi@praveenjuge.com";
const FEED_ICON = `${SITE_URL}/favicon.ico`;
const FEED_SELF_LINK = `${SITE_URL}/blog/rss.xml`;
"Praveen Juge is a designer and developer for everything on the web.";
const allBlogs = await (await load())
.find({ collection: "blog" }, [
.sort({ pubDate: -1 })
export async function GET() {
const feed = `<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<updated>${new Date().toISOString()}</updated>
<link rel="alternate" href="${SITE_URL}/"/>
<link rel="self" href="${FEED_SELF_LINK}"/>
<category term="Design"/>
<category term="Technology"/>
(entry) => `
<title type="html">${entry.title}</title>
<link href="${SITE_URL}/blog/${entry.slug}"/>
<updated>${new Date(entry.pubDate).toISOString()}</updated>
<summary type="html">
<content type="html">
return new NextResponse(feed, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/xml",
Step 2: Replace Variables
Make sure to replace the variables like SITE_URL
with your own information. Also, ensure the blog list is imported properly.
Step 3: You’re Done!
Now, your RSS feed is set up and will be available at /blog/rss.xml