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Default Apps 2023

Some of the default apps I use based on the list by this podcast https://defaults.rknight.me

📨 Mail Client: Apple Mail

📮 Mail Server: iCloud Custom Email Domain

📝 Notes: Apple Notes

✅ To-Do: Todoist

📷 Photo Shooting: iOS Camera

🎨 Photo Editing: Adobe Lightroom

📆 Calendar: Cron

📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud

📖 RSS: NetNewsWire

🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: iOS Contacts

🌐 Browser: Safari

💬 Chat: WhatsApp, iMessages

🔖 Bookmarks: Raindrop.io

📑 Read It Later: Raindrop.io

📜 Word Processing: iA Writer

📈 Spreadsheets: Google Spreadsheets

📊 Presentations: Slides

🛒 Shopping Lists: Todoist

🍴 Meal Planning: N/A

💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: N/A

📰 News: N/A

🎵 Music: Apple Music

🎤 Podcasts: Pocket Casts

🔐 Password Management: iCloud Keychain

🧑‍💻 Code Editor: VSCode

✈️ VPN: N/A

🎮 Gaming: Xbox One with Game Pass

🔎 Search: ChatGPT

🖼️ Screenshots: CleanShot X